1w6 - Ein Würfel System - Einfach saubere, freie Rollenspiel-Regeln
I’ve been searching for good ways to build text-rpgs since writing my Python-Based TextRPG in 2008. With Dryads Wake I finally found a structure that I really like and that can be played from the browser as well as from the text-terminal.
Dryads Wake is a pure text-based game using the 1d6-rules. You can play an introductory chapter on dryads-wake.1w6.org.
Want to make a memorable character or NPC? Get a jump-start for your creativity? Aim for a diverse cast to avoid stumbling into your personal clichés? These tables will get you moving in minutes!
Nanowrimo prep will start soon. Take me to the tables!
These tables are extracted from the German one die system, version rαF: Terminal, translated to English. They are also available in German. If you want something tangible, get the tables and random characters optimized to print and fold and fit into your pocket:
Random NPC generation with occupation and a keyword for portrayal, written for the 200 Word RPG Supplement Challenge 2016. Tailored for shady space stations. Also available as PDF.
Start with the first table. Roll one die. On a 5, move one column to the left. On a 6 move right. Never change direction or leave the table: Use row 5/6 instead. Else select the row for the number you rolled.
Go to the next table. Start with the row for the last number you rolled. Roll again. 5 moves up, 6 moves down, never turn around. The number gives the column. The last column is special: It never applies to the job in the row rolled in the first table.
5 | direct | 6 | |
3 | Beggar | Clerk | Prostitute |
1 | Peon | Mechanic | Guard |
2 | Pirat | Trader | Smuggler |
4 | Thug | Docker | Medic |
6/5 | Journalist | - | Waiter |
3 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5/6 | |
5 | Cigaretts | Pestering | Weary | Newspad | Cold |
3 | Rags | Glasses | Sorrow | Scarf | Blaster |
1 | Frank | Dice | Toolbelt | Gregarious | Bold |
2 | Finger-Tent | Earring | Pipe | Fearful | Naive |
4 | Bragging | Open | Crowbar | Notepad | Snob |
6 | Pen | Notebook | Drink | Flirting | Shy |
Just for fun: This implements the ±d6 in Guile Scheme, including critical rolls.
(define* (roll-1d6) (let* ((numbers '(-5 -3 -1 2 4 6)) (rolld6 (lambda () (list-ref numbers (random 6))))) (let rolling ((rolled (cons (rolld6) '()))) (cond ((and (= 1 (length rolled)) (member (car rolled) '(-5 6))) (rolling (cons (rolld6) rolled))) ((and (> (length rolled) 1) (equal? (car rolled) (car (cdr rolled)))) (rolling (cons (rolld6) rolled))) ((= 1 (length rolled)) (car rolled)) (else (apply + (cdr rolled)))))))
This is an additional permission for the GPL. We call it the “just-link” permission.
As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you may distribute these works without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by section 4, provided you include a license notice and a URL through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source and the copy of the GNU GPL.
I was just threatened by people on G+ that they would hack this site because I told them that killing Netanjahu would not solve any problems but instead speed up the death spiral around Israel.
If this site should go offline or be defaced, you’ll know why - and how these people react when their arguments fall flat.
John Wick is entering the patreon arena with the Wicked Words! Magazine: Adventures, GM Advice, Little Games, Stories, The Works!
Update (2014-01-25 18:00): Now with Happy Ending ☺
This is really good news for roleplaying and online publishing, because it shows by example how roleplaying games and shortstories enter a new stage on the web: Fan-Funded periodicals.
The images in this post are from Mike Perry and were created for the webcomic No Dice. To our greatest joy, Perry allowed us to use them under the GPL! And I kinda enjoy the idea of using images from a comic named “No Dice” for a dice-based pen-and-paper roleplaying game ☺. It is also a really nice comic: Good enough to make it into the list of the webcomics I check daily. So if you like fun stories which do not shun away from controversial topics without ever losing their funny, then by all means have a look at No Dice! —Drak ↩
Today is a day fer all ye lads and lasses. Celebrate with ye beauty and gather yer friends for a
to enjoy the 11th
Talk Like a Pirate Day!
(on September 19th)
→ read on… ☺
This is a one-page ruleset for quick roleplaying games.
You want to play a pirate game, but you have no adventure at hand? You only have 2 hours so you don’t want to spend half the time learning rules and creating characters?
Then this Flyerbook is for you.
The Flyerbook rules are a translation of our German Flyerbooks, adapted to the World of No Dice.1 To play, you use pregenerated charactercards (though there are brief character creation rules). The german version of these rules is intended to be used with short scenario flyers. This english version currently only includes a short pirate-starter to get your creativity running.
The rules work for short one-shots as well as for long campaigns (when you add experience points) - and for non-pirate-games, too.
Like almost everything else on this website (1w6.org) it is free licensed,2 so you can use, change and share it however you like, as long as you allow others to do the same with your contributions.
Have fun with Flyerbooks! —Drak
The GM reads this rule-sheet. Meanwhile each player chooses a character card. If you have new players, the experienced players tell them why roleplaying is cool (but keep it short!) and how it works.
Now the GM reads the character cards the players chose, while the players read the rules and organize one die (D6) for each participant.
The images in this post are from Mike Perry and were created for the webcomic No Dice. To our greatest joy, Perry allowed us to use them under the GPL! And I kinda enjoy the idea of using images from a comic named “No Dice” for a dice-based pen-and-paper roleplaying game ☺. It is also a really nice comic: Good enough to make it into the list of the webcomics I check daily. So if you like fun stories which do not shun away from controversial topics without ever losing their funny, then by all means have a look at No Dice! —Drak ↩
As License the Flyerbooks use the GPLv3 or later, which is the most widely used license for free software. More information (in german)… ↩
1This Saturday!
In case you’re near germany and did not yet reserve this saturday for visiting an RPG shop (or don’t know the next RPG shop in germany) during the free RPG day (Gratisrollenspieltag, GRT), have a look at
We are Everywhere!
Hasur Roal wurde von Trudy Wenzel gezeichnet. All hail Trudy! ↩
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