1w6 - Ein Würfel System - Einfach saubere, freie Rollenspiel-Regeln

Appliance template

Bild von Drak

What is your name?

Your full name

What do you want to do?

Please give short summary of your proposal.

Why is this proposal important to you?

What is your personal reason for wanting to do this project?

How does your proposal help roleplaying games in general and roleplaying games in python in particular?

What will our world gain when you act on your proposal?

Why are you exactly the right person to realize it?

Please give reasons and (where possible) credentials.

How do you intend to work in detail?

Here should be a more detailed description, what you want to accomplish, and how you want to accomplish it.

Please provide a roadmap.

It should consist of three major milestones (one for each month) and 9 minor milestones (three for each month), along with deliverables for each milestone.

Below follows additional information about you.

Where are you from?

Country, region and city.

How can we reach you?

email, IM, ...

Which languages do you speak?

And how well do you speak them?

Please remember, that your appliance has a limit of 7500 characters.

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Über 1w6
GNU General Public License v3
GNU General Public License v3
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„Dass man alle abs­trak­ten Werte benennt, macht den Ein­stieg wun­der­bar ein­fach und intuitiv.“
— Tim Charzinski in der Rezension bei den Teil­zeit­helden
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